Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 1 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 2 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 3 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 4 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 5 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 6 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 7 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 8 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 1 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 2 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 3 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 4 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 5 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 6 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 7 - Ravensburger
Constellations Glow in the dark 3D puzzels;3D Puzzle Ball - image 8 - Ravensburger

Ravensburger Constellations Glow in the dark - 3D Puzzel

3D Puzzle Ball
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 1 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 2 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 3 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 4 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 5 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 6 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 7 - Click to Zoom
Constellations Glow in the dark - image 8 - Click to Zoom

Ravensburger Constellations Glow in the dark - 3D Puzzel

Beleef 3D puzzelplezier!

meer informatie

Uniek drie dimensionaal puzzelplezier, dat zijn de 3D puzzels van Ravensburger! De stevige plastic stukjes passen precies in elkaar. Zo bouw je vanuit 180 gebogen stukjes de unieke afbeelding van Constellations Glow in the dark met verlichting, zonder lijm te gebruiken!


180 genummerde puzzelstukjes, accessoires, handleiding
Barcode: 4005556115440
Waarschuwing. Niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 36 maanden. Kleine onderdelen. Verstikkingsgevaar. 