11549 - Globe With Light - 540 pieces Puzzleball - Ravensburger 3D Puzzle
Experience the magic of puzzling in three dimensions!
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Globe With Light 540p Tutustu ainutlaatuiseen ja hauskaan kolmiulotteiseen palapelikonseptiin - Ravensburgerin 3D-palapeleihin! Easy Click -tekniikan ansiosta palapelin palat sopivat täydellisesti yhteen. Rakenna vaikuttavia 3D-esineitä yksilöllisesti muotoilluista ja taivutettavista palapelinpaloista - liimaa ei tarvita! Kokoa yhteen maailmankuuluja rakennuksia, kuten Eiffel-torni tai Empire State Building, tai löydä oma suosikkisi laajasta palapelivalikoimastamme, jossa on eri määrä paloja. Ikä 10+
Discover parts of the world that are otherwise hidden to us by letting the illuminated globe bring light into the darkness. A must-have for globetrotters, the Ravensburger light-up 3D puzzle will spread the spirit of adventure throughout your home. Simply navigate your way around the world by using the latitude markings on the semi-meridian. The 3D light-up globe not only shows countries and continents, the highly informative political map adds an extra educational element. Thanks to Easyclick technology, the 540 curved puzzle pieces slot together perfectly, without glue, to build a sturdy globe. Complementary accessories include a practical rotating base that allows for a 360°-view of our light-up globe.
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