Ravensburger Star Globe Glow in the Dark, 180 piece 3D Jigsaw Puzzle
Experience the magic of puzzling in three dimensions!
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Glow Dark Starglobe 180p Tutustu ainutlaatuiseen ja hauskaan kolmiulotteiseen palapelikonseptiin - Ravensburgerin 3D-palapeleihin! Easy Click -tekniikan ansiosta palapelin palat sopivat täydellisesti yhteen. Rakenna vaikuttavia 3D-esineitä yksilöllisesti muotoilluista ja taivutettavista palapelinpaloista - liimaa ei tarvita! Kokoa yhteen maailmankuuluja rakennuksia, kuten Eiffel-torni tai Empire State Building, tai löydä oma suosikkisi laajasta palapelivalikoimastamme, jossa on eri määrä paloja. Ikä 6+
Constellations – they all have such mysterious sounding names such as the Great Bear, Pegasus, Cassiopeia; they are full of myths; and they have been fascinating humankind for thousands of years. And it’s also so much fun discovering the twinkling gems in the night sky. Reach for the stars and assemble the Star Globe. It consists of 180 high-quality plastic puzzle pieces that slot together perfectly, without glue, to build a sturdy globe. The practical rotating base transforms the Star Globe into a decorative piece. Discover a wealth of constellations and colourful illustrated signs of the zodiac that even glow in the dark thanks to the fluorescent material. Simply galactic! Moreover, this stellar puzzle comes with fascinating information on the best-known constellations as well as a short introduction to the mysterious world of astrology and the meaning of the signs of the zodiac.
Viivakoodi: 4005556115440
Varoitus. Ei sovellu alle 36 kuukauden ikäisille lapsille. Pieniä osia. Tukehtumisvaara.
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