Disney's enchanting film Frozen, inspired by the story of The Snow Queen, is currently the world's most successful animated film, thanks to the great story, music and amazing graphics. This set of high-quality cardboard puzzles depicts key characters from the film. Each puzzle is cut to 24 pieces. Both of the puzzles are printed with a different reverse side, so the puzzle pieces can be easily sorted before assembly.
Since 1891 we've been making the world's finest puzzles in Ravensburg, Germany. Our attention to detail has made Ravensburger the world's greatest puzzle brand! We use an exclusively developed, extra-thick cardboard combined with our fine, linen-structured paper to create a glare-free puzzle image for a quality you can see and feel. Our steel cutting tools are designed and crafted by hand. This ensures that no two pieces are alike and guarantees a perfect interlocking fit. Enjoy Ravensburger quality with this family-friendly activity today!
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